To all SCRIBES attendees —
I want to give immense thanks to you all for supporting SCRIBES & for playing a part in creating this poetic space. It has been a wonderful year for SCRIBES. We’ve cackled & cried, dug deeply, written well. Introduced new faces to the “scene,” listened to poems from well experienced writers. We’ve performed in bad weather, good weather, mood swings, & intoxicants. I’ve seen people read from paper no smaller than the size of my palm, & I’ve seen features read the entire thing from a notebook, which I always think is lovely, I’ve seen robust bombast from out-of-state performers & more to come next year.
Speaking of 2025, the year’s lineup will be posted soon. Stay tuned for a special SCRIBES WORLD announcing the names & dates. In January 2025, I will return to hosting.
This year everybody brought the fucking ruckus to the mic, & if they didn’t we helped them to learn how. I love to see so many performers teaching-by-example, & love to see new performers learning-from-example. You all are what makes it viable to hold an event like this. SCRIBES has become something I never imagined it would — I am proud & humbled to know this sort of thing attracts similar crazies to me. I love the words. You love the words? Let’s be friends. Moving forward, you will see a little change in the SCRIBES art direction… pay attention to us on Instagram for updates:)
Our features for December 29, 2024 are John Pinto & Graham Irvin.
John Pinto is a film lab technician living in Philadelphia. His work has appeared in Little Engines, X-R-A-Y, HAD, Rejection Letters, Back Patio Press, and the Second and Third Bullshit Anthologies. Find him online at Find him IRL and he’ll give you a copy of his new zine Bill Kiss, out now from Tree Trunk Books.
HERE is some writing from John.
Graham Irvin is the author of I Have a Gun and Liver Mush. He lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Follow him on X (@grahamjirvin), Instagram (@_gram_irvin), and Bluesky (
HERE is some writing from Graham.
The photos from the November SCRIBES event can be found at THIS GOOGLE DRIVE LINK.
Here is the flier for This month’s SCRIBES event:
Massive shout-out to Lindsay Hargrave for stepping in as SCRIBES first mate to host the past few months of events, & to c.r. hooker for photographing them & for being the SCRIBES photographer in general. Both play a vital role in the active running of SCRIBES as a series of events.
Ily <3 See you all next year <3